
Strategies for a lifetime of prosperity.

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Your Journey to Financial Security, Made Simpler & Brighter

At Innovative Wealth Management, we're all about creating financial strategies that are made just for you.

We're here to guide you toward achieving your financial dreams, ensuring you can look forward to a retirement filled with peace of mind. Excellence isn't just a buzzword for us; it's the heart of everything we do. Helping you make smart investment choices that secure a bright future is what we're all about.

Let's find the right investment mix that lets you enjoy life to the fullest, now and in the years to come.

Investment Management

Plan for success.

Retirement & Long-term Care

Protect your golden years.


Navigate milestones.

Our mission is what drives us.

At the heart of our mission is a simple yet powerful philosophy and focus: to create innovative strategies that result in above market gains with below market risk.

With regular updates and insightful guidance, we aim to empower you to make informed decisions. Our connection extends beyond the usual—through engaging social events and consistent communication, we ensure we're always in sync.  Let our expertise guide you on a disciplined path toward realizing your financial aspirations.

Here's how we work:

Phase I: Discovery

We begin this stage during our initial meeting where we get to know one another. We focus on what your specific needs are and what you want your investment capital to do for you.

Phase II: Strategy

The primary objective of this stage is to develop an effective, long-term investment strategy that is custom tailored to the unique needs of each client. We then develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the strategy we recommend for long-term success.

Phase III: Implementation

The primary objective of this phase is to successfully implement your investment strategy. By means of constant communication and a highly skilled staff, we strive to make this process quick and easy for you.

Phase IV: Monitoring and Adjusting

We monitor our client's accounts on a regular basis to ensure they are still performing in a way that meets their intention. When we discover that a client's circumstances have changed, or that shifting global markets require a different investing approach, we are quick to make adjustments.

Our team of experts makes it easy to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of financial security. Check out the articles below for the latest, and get in touch to dive deeper on your questions and ideas.

By Alex Kefalas 30 Jan, 2024
As we approach the end of the year, it's important for those aged 65 and older to be aware of the Medicare open enrollment period. This is a crucial time to review your Medicare plan and make any necessary changes to ensure you have the coverage you need. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of reviewing your Medicare plan and highlight the key points you need to know before the December 7th deadline. Understanding Medicare Open Enrollment: Medicare open enrollment is an annual period during which individuals can make changes to their Medicare coverage. It is the perfect opportunity to review your plan and make adjustments based on your current healthcare needs. Whether you're already enrolled in Medicare or are considering it for the first time, open enrollment is the time to take action. Why Reviewing Your Medicare Plan is Important: 1. Changes in Personal Circumstances: Your healthcare needs may have changed since you initially enrolled in Medicare. Reviewing your plan allows you to ensure that it still meets your requirements and covers the necessary services and medications. 2. New Medicare Options: Medicare plans can change from year to year, and new options may become available. By reviewing your plan, you can explore these new options and potentially find a plan that better suits your needs or offers additional benefits. 3. Cost Savings: Reviewing your Medicare plan can help you identify potential cost savings. You may find that there are more affordable plans available that still provide the coverage you need. Additionally, you can assess whether you are eligible for any financial assistance programs that can help reduce your healthcare expenses. 4. Prescription Drug Coverage: Medicare Part D plans, which cover prescription drugs, can also change each year. Reviewing your plan allows you to ensure that your medications are still covered and that you are getting the best possible price for them. Key Points to Consider: 1. Open Enrollment Deadline: The Medicare open enrollment period ends on December 7th. It is essential to act promptly to review your plan and make any necessary changes before this deadline. 2. Seek Professional Assistance: Navigating the complexities of Medicare can be overwhelming. Consider reaching out to a trusted insurance professional, like Heartland Wealth & Insurance Services, who can guide you through the process and help you make informed decisions. 3. Review All Aspects of Your Plan: When reviewing your Medicare plan, consider factors such as coverage, costs, network providers, and prescription drug coverage. Assess whether your plan still aligns with your healthcare needs and budget. 4. Take Advantage of Available Resources: Medicare provides various resources to help you make informed decisions during open enrollment. Visit the official Medicare website, attend informational seminars, or consult with a Medicare counselor to gather all the necessary information. Medicare open enrollment is a critical time for individuals aged 65 and older to review their Medicare plans and make any necessary changes. By taking the time to assess your healthcare needs, explore new options, and ensure cost-effectiveness, you can have peace of mind knowing that your Medicare plan is tailored to your requirements. Don't miss the December 7th deadline – contact Heartland Wealth & Insurance Services or a trusted insurance professional today to review your plan and make the most of your Medicare coverage.
By duda 30 Jan, 2024
As we approach the end of the year, it's important for those aged 65 and older to be aware of the Medicare open enrollment period. This is a crucial time to review your Medicare plan and make any necessary changes to ensure you have the coverage you need. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of reviewing your Medicare plan and highlight the key points you need to know before the December 7th deadline. Understanding Medicare Open Enrollment: Medicare open enrollment is an annual period during which individuals can make changes to their Medicare coverage. It is the perfect opportunity to review your plan and make adjustments based on your current healthcare needs. Whether you're already enrolled in Medicare or are considering it for the first time, open enrollment is the time to take action. Why Reviewing Your Medicare Plan is Important: 1. Changes in Personal Circumstances: Your healthcare needs may have changed since you initially enrolled in Medicare. Reviewing your plan allows you to ensure that it still meets your requirements and covers the necessary services and medications. 2. New Medicare Options: Medicare plans can change from year to year, and new options may become available. By reviewing your plan, you can explore these new options and potentially find a plan that better suits your needs or offers additional benefits. 3. Cost Savings: Reviewing your Medicare plan can help you identify potential cost savings. You may find that there are more affordable plans available that still provide the coverage you need. Additionally, you can assess whether you are eligible for any financial assistance programs that can help reduce your healthcare expenses. 4. Prescription Drug Coverage: Medicare Part D plans, which cover prescription drugs, can also change each year. Reviewing your plan allows you to ensure that your medications are still covered and that you are getting the best possible price for them. Key Points to Consider: 1. Open Enrollment Deadline: The Medicare open enrollment period ends on December 7th. It is essential to act promptly to review your plan and make any necessary changes before this deadline. 2. Seek Professional Assistance: Navigating the complexities of Medicare can be overwhelming. Consider reaching out to a trusted insurance professional, like Heartland Wealth & Insurance Services, who can guide you through the process and help you make informed decisions. 3. Review All Aspects of Your Plan: When reviewing your Medicare plan, consider factors such as coverage, costs, network providers, and prescription drug coverage. Assess whether your plan still aligns with your healthcare needs and budget. 4. Take Advantage of Available Resources: Medicare provides various resources to help you make informed decisions during open enrollment. Visit the official Medicare website, attend informational seminars, or consult with a Medicare counselor to gather all the necessary information. Medicare open enrollment is a critical time for individuals aged 65 and older to review their Medicare plans and make any necessary changes. By taking the time to assess your healthcare needs, explore new options, and ensure cost-effectiveness, you can have peace of mind knowing that your Medicare plan is tailored to your requirements. Don't miss the December 7th deadline – contact Heartland Wealth & Insurance Services or a trusted insurance professional today to review your plan and make the most of your Medicare coverage.
By duda 14 Nov, 2023
As we approach the end of the year, it's important for those aged 65 and older to be aware of the Medicare open enrollment period. This is a crucial time to review your Medicare plan and make any necessary changes to ensure you have the coverage you need. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of reviewing your Medicare plan and highlight the key points you need to know before the December 7th deadline. Understanding Medicare Open Enrollment: Medicare open enrollment is an annual period during which individuals can make changes to their Medicare coverage. It is the perfect opportunity to review your plan and make adjustments based on your current healthcare needs. Whether you're already enrolled in Medicare or are considering it for the first time, open enrollment is the time to take action. Why Reviewing Your Medicare Plan is Important: 1. Changes in Personal Circumstances: Your healthcare needs may have changed since you initially enrolled in Medicare. Reviewing your plan allows you to ensure that it still meets your requirements and covers the necessary services and medications. 2. New Medicare Options: Medicare plans can change from year to year, and new options may become available. By reviewing your plan, you can explore these new options and potentially find a plan that better suits your needs or offers additional benefits. 3. Cost Savings: Reviewing your Medicare plan can help you identify potential cost savings. You may find that there are more affordable plans available that still provide the coverage you need. Additionally, you can assess whether you are eligible for any financial assistance programs that can help reduce your healthcare expenses. 4. Prescription Drug Coverage: Medicare Part D plans, which cover prescription drugs, can also change each year. Reviewing your plan allows you to ensure that your medications are still covered and that you are getting the best possible price for them. Key Points to Consider: 1. Open Enrollment Deadline: The Medicare open enrollment period ends on December 7th. It is essential to act promptly to review your plan and make any necessary changes before this deadline. 2. Seek Professional Assistance: Navigating the complexities of Medicare can be overwhelming. Consider reaching out to a trusted insurance professional, like Heartland Wealth & Insurance Services, who can guide you through the process and help you make informed decisions. 3. Review All Aspects of Your Plan: When reviewing your Medicare plan, consider factors such as coverage, costs, network providers, and prescription drug coverage. Assess whether your plan still aligns with your healthcare needs and budget. 4. Take Advantage of Available Resources: Medicare provides various resources to help you make informed decisions during open enrollment. Visit the official Medicare website, attend informational seminars, or consult with a Medicare counselor to gather all the necessary information. Medicare open enrollment is a critical time for individuals aged 65 and older to review their Medicare plans and make any necessary changes. By taking the time to assess your healthcare needs, explore new options, and ensure cost-effectiveness, you can have peace of mind knowing that your Medicare plan is tailored to your requirements. Don't miss the December 7th deadline – contact Heartland Wealth & Insurance Services or a trusted insurance professional today to review your plan and make the most of your Medicare coverage.

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Our professional advisors are here help secure your future and ensure your legacy. When you work with us, you can expect our bespoke services to be based on independent, informed advising strategies.

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